An Oceans Abcdarium created by the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz, Germany


Nils Janßen

In sections of protected coastline, salt marshes, tidal marshes, and brackish marshes form a transition between marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Some 6% of the world‘s land surface are covered by wetlands. Neither sea nor land, tidal marshes are flooded periodically, forming a unique type of landscape with herbaceous plants that are well adapted to those conditions. They provide habitats for many species of fish, amphibians, water birds, and aquatic mammals, and contribute to the overall oxygen balance. By storing water, they have a great impact on climate resilience and can absorb water change and flooding.The series of paintings was inspired by Italy‘s coastal landscapes. It was created using cyanotype and acrylic paint.

Sources: Maltby, Edward, Mike C. Acreman, “Ecosystem services of wetlands: pathfinder for a new paradigm”, Hydrological Sciences Journal, vol. 56, issue. 8, (2011): 1341-1359.